Thousand Oaks Child Support Lawyer

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Thousand Oaks Child Custody Attorney

Both parents have a legal obligation to provide financially for their children. Child support exists to provide for the essential needs of children, such as housing, food, clothing, health care, child care, and education. The amount of child support owed is determined by a statewide guideline formula that considers how much each parent earns (or could earn), how much time each parent has physical custody of the children, the assets and liabilities of both parents, the living expenses of both parents, and extraordinary or special needs of the children. McFadden Family Law & Mediation helps you calculate guideline child support using the same DissoMaster software used by all family law practitioners and courts throughout Thousand Oaks, CA, and the rest of California.

Consequences of Failing to Meet Child Support Obligations

Children are supposed to share in both their parents’ standard of living, such that they are not impoverished in one parent’s household and wealthy in the other’s. This is why child support is tied to parental incomes more than to the actual costs of raising a child. The parent receiving child support is entitled to spend these funds however they see fit in the children’s best interest. In addition to a monthly amount of guideline child support, parents are typically also ordered to pay for one-half of their children’s uninsured health care expenses and for one-half of child care expenses that are necessary for either parent to work or attend school.

Child support is usually paid until the child turns 18 years old and graduates high school, or turns 19 if still a high school student. In some circumstances, if an adult child is disabled and incapacitated from earning any income to support their own needs, parents may be ordered to pay child support into adulthood. Child support is considered to be the right of the child, so it is not legal for a parent to waive their right to collect it. However, it is possible for parents to agree to a child support amount that is higher or lower than the guideline amount if the children’s needs will still be met.

A parent’s wages can be garnished to pay child support. Failing to pay the court-ordered amount of child support can result in serious consequences. Unpaid support accrues legal interest at the rate of 10 percent each year, and the debt never goes away. A support obligor’s assets can be seized, their driver’s license and passports can be withheld, and they can even be sentenced to jail.

Contact a Thousand Oaks Child Custody Attorney Today

Need help with child custody or support? Our experienced Thousand Oaks attorneys are here to guide you through the process. Contact us today for a free consultation and get the support you deserve.

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